Here Is Told the Tretys of the Trynete for Redempcion of Adams Lygnage

Capitulo xiii

`Thow seest', quod the Fader to his dere Sone, `how grete amendys is owynge me of man for surfet of this appell. And well thou seest that for this grete offence nedes he mote be lost, whiche thyng displesith me full gretely, for why we maden hym to geders to that ende that he sholde enheryte the Blysse of Paradys, where that we had put hym. And this is the meschyef in this mater: he that hath mysdone hath no thynge wherwith to beyen hym seluen, ne he hath no thyng wherwith to make his gree to me for the trespaas. For sothly it asketh so grete amendys that it passeth his power to payen it in his owne persone.

`And foryeuen it Ia may nought - for nedes mote I done that Ryght wylle, and Reason must nedes haue place in this presente Court - but yf ther be founden somme other persone that wylle wylfully payen his raunson and also make amendys to me for the grete offence, soo that the drye tree myght be restored ageyne to hyr verdure.

`Now is it soo that I haue none aungel that suffyseth to this thynge, ne also ben they nought bounden therto; [63ßr]b only in man it is to payen this amendys, as holden therto of right. Now seye me, dere Sone, what the semyth in this mater, that we may ordeyne a remedy for this grete meschyef.'