The Fader
Determyneth that His
Sone Must Bicome Man
Capitulo xv
`Sothely', quod the Fader,
`this is very sooth, that one of vs thre must abye this bargeyn, eyther
that al mankynd must perisshen for euer. Dere Sone,
how semyth the in thys mater?'
`Sothely', seyth the Sone, `the same semeth me, and
very soth it is. But this wol ben a wonder greuous
thyng to that persone [63ßv] thata
shal take it on hand.'
`Thou seyst ful sothe', quod the Fader. `It wylle be
ful greuous. Yet wolde I praye the to taken this occupacion
at thyne owne
plesaunce. I wyll nought, ne may nought,
compellen the therto, but at thyne owne wylle. And
also the trespas is special to the apertynent that
art wytte and wysedom, for
soo the serpent behyght hym
that he sholde be as wyse as we thre, wherfore good
right it is that thou in thy persone, that art very
wysedome, shewe to man in sothenesse that al worldly
wytte is foly, and teche
them in dede what very wysedom is.'